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Desperate Appeal to Low Information Voters
TheRealVille Wrote:Yea, you would rather the country be run by middle aged white men, and "blacky", women, and the gays to know their place, and not have a voice in government. I know your type of people.

TheRealVille, you really are one of the dullards who are destroying the country. You apparently aren't capable of defending your position. You never answer questions. You merely make derogatory remarks.

As John Rutledge, our second Chief Justice of the USSC, once said, "When your only defense is to verbally attack your opponent, you are not worthy of participating in the discourse because you have no relevance". You fit Chief Justice Rutledge's description perfectly.

By the way, Chief Justice Rutledge was a fine gentleman hailing from the great state of South Carolina. And, I'll bet Ms. Doodad covered that in your eighth grade history class, didn't she?

As for "blacky, women, and gays (I prefer "fairies"), they should have a voice in government so long as they are contributing to the operation of the government. However, regardless of what your boys, Obama and Holder, say, they aren't entitled to special rights and special treatment merely because they are "blacky, women, or gays (fairies)". They should earn respect just like all those nasty people you don't like who pay the bills.
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Desperate Appeal to Low Information Voters - by Harry Rex Vonner - 10-27-2014, 05:19 AM

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