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Desperate Appeal to Low Information Voters
Bob Seger Wrote:Well if anybody wants to find out the concealed truth about anything, you have no choice but to watch Fox...If the rest of the media was competant in doing their job to begin with, (and that is to just report the news) there wouldn't be a reason for Fox to exist.

People are able to watch any channel they want, so aint it funny that Fox News has more viewers than all of the other news sources put together?

Go to any comment section on the internet about a political story. Whether it be CNN, NBC, Yahoo, WKYT, YouTube Videos, etc, and youll see liberal coming out of the wood works talking about how ridiculous "FAUX" News is.
Makes one wonder if the liberals don't place spam bots on ever comment section to counter there ass beatings in the ratings.
They never have a comeback for the great ratings at Fox, that blows away everyone else combined.
I think this is a key clue that people vote blind because there told to. Vote dem because they care about your welfare, your gay marriage, your pretty trees, and yet they don't have the first clue as to whats really going on. They just follow the leader.
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Desperate Appeal to Low Information Voters - by RunItUpTheGut - 10-23-2014, 04:08 AM

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