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Will Belfry make it past their region this year?
skully03 Wrote:Everyone talking about BELFRY. I love it. It just means Belfry is always on your minds. You all are obsessed with The Pirates. Go ahead and admit it. Why else would you devote a thread by itself to THE BELFRY PIRATES. Win or loss the first thing on your mind of the morning, BELFRY. The last thing in the night, BELFRY. Then you dream of playing for the great Haywood and wearing the RED AND WHITE and THE SKULL AND CROSSBONES.

Pllleeassssse. I'm here for the entertainment value. This is the best comedy to hit the hills since Lum and Abner left the radio. And as for being obsessed, look a BGR, the Belfry Gossip Room, you boys live there. Not everyone looks good in RED and WHITE....LOL nor have they drank the Kool Aid of the holy messiah......LOL, thank God.

And if I lived there, the first thing on my mind in the morning would be how to get the hell out.

I'm ready for a new thread. Make my day.......LOL
Messages In This Thread
Will Belfry make it past their region this year? - by Spuds - 09-21-2014, 07:53 AM

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