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8-22 Newport Central Catholic @ Ashland
Stadium can sit 46 47 hundred fans standing room maybe 5 grand. They had sold 2200 tickets by 1 yesterday and sold 4500 by 6 last night guessing they could afford to pay their expenses! Sorry can't post the email but put up a picture of the team text alert that all the players got this morning. Ashland offered to go their and they won't play offered to pay for them to come back here and they won't, someone is afraid to play. Also am wondering since they won't play is it a forfeit and a L. Asked athletic director about it they are checking. NCC might be 0 and 1 and the CATS 1 and 0 without having to play.
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8-22 Newport Central Catholic @ Ashland - by T-CATS - 08-23-2014, 08:44 PM

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