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The Court System, the Chosen Weapon of Our Own Demise
TheRealThing Wrote:Details not withstanding, Governors can veto anything they want, wrong, right, or out of left field. But, have you noticed how the fires of discontent regarding the governmental travesty of Benghazi have died down to a smoldering ember? It's a real worry.

The problem is the Orwellian implications for the prospects of Americans to continue being free men. Using the law to run over the law equals the inception of "double speak." When a sitting governor has to face the charges of a local Barney Fife of a DA, all men should be hearing footsteps coming up behind them.

Put differently, if State Governors can be persecuted and prosecuted, solely because of their political views, what would make the nobody's of this land think their heads won't wind up in the noose along with him? This rampaging rebellion against all things conservative from the big hitters in State and Federal Government could well be the harbinger of the end of America's run as the land of the free, much less the world's premier super power.

Wide cited a federal judge by the name of John Heyburn in his thread about gay marriage being struck down in KY. If these activist judges are going to continue to use the law to run over the law and the will of the vast majority, as was the case with his shameful override of the 75% who voted against gay marriage in the last referendum, what hope of survival do we really have?

The thought police will make life miserable for all concerned and we can blame nobody except ourselves. God help America to vote out the liberal kingpins this November.
But, they can't use it for coercion, or blackmail. Everybody here knows you game, though. If it were the other way around, you'd cry foul.
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The Court System, the Chosen Weapon of Our Own Demise - by TheRealVille - 08-21-2014, 04:32 PM

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