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Any rumors of changes in coaching for middle school football
From what I see, I didn't see anybody blasting a coach. A person was stating some facts. I agree with Dad, I was also hearing around the same talks. I'm not here to blast any coach, nor am I here to do anything but state facts. I've coached for over 5yrs. I know how tne system and how it works. It goes along with a saying I was taught as a kid."Its not also what you know, but who you know." I know that some parents were unhappy with last yrs results. They seen the same thing during a game. And that was a coach that didn't know what to do, how to adjust or teach to adjust. I understand that the coach made a change from pee-wee to middle school. I also know other stuff, but it isn't important. So approaching the coaching staff gets you nowhere. But the need to put more time learning the game, teaching the game and people are going to talk. They are in the spotlight of family, fans, school, and players. It goes with the job with people talking.
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Any rumors of changes in coaching for middle school football - by karma - 08-06-2014, 03:56 PM

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