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The Black Eye
RunItUpTheGut Wrote:Some may not like it, but its times to become an isolated nation that worries for ourselves with few exception. For different reasons, we should always help protect all of the UK, Isreal, and Japan, but only for our own selfish reasons.
We can no longer afford to keep printing money to pay for wars that have nothing to do with us. I truly feel bad for those innocent lives in places like Iraq that just want to live there lives, work, have families, etc, and cant because of radical freaks whos soul purpose on this earth is to be brainwashed into the extreme sunni type radicalism that we are seeing today. If we need something, we should take it, if not, leave them alone. For instance, if we need oil, trust me, we can take anybodys oil, if we need to shut someone up, I have full faith we can do that with swift force, no matter what country, or countries decide to test us.
Its time for the here and now. Americans are sick of doing so much for everyone else when we cant employ and feed the people we have here.

I would rather see us maintain military bases under a SOFA in Iraq, than to run the risk of having to go through another 911 style terror attack. Fighting these guys on their own soil is a much better idea than fighting them over here. Don't forget, these guys have sworn an oath to destroy America. They'll never stop coming and heaven help us if Iran gets the capability to export nuclear terror to our shores.

Yeah, foreign policy is a very complex matter and that's why I was attempting to point out how amateurs have no business forging US foreign policy. Just maintaining a couple of bases within the borders of Iraq would have done the trick. I mean, we were already there, the equipment was already there, the infrastructure was already there and it was all paid for.

But, I'm with you. Just as in the case of runaway illegal immigration. We can't possibly take in the whole world, and so the question begs to be asked. At what point do we draw the line? Heck, that's why the sage leaders of our past enacted immigration laws in the first place. We just cannot help everybody who has the need. Additionally, we must pick and choose with cautious gravity who we try to protect in this world. Most must fight their own battles and I'm not suggesting for one second that we should jump back into Iraq and take on the Sunnis. Let them fight it out. All I'm saying is they got up a real head of steam because of our absence resulting in a force and a renewed will to again, kill the infidel Americans. And, it will cost a fortune to try to take them on if we have to do it from a base or bases in Germany or somewhere.

The argument could easily be made in support of the idea of saving money in such a scenario. Once facilities, aircraft, all kinds of ordinance, equipment such as armored troop carriers, tanks, trucks, Humvees and all the rest are in place, it actually costs more money to remove, destroy and otherwise mothball these bases than it does to maintain a continuing military presence. And, just as one is reluctant to key the side of a car while the cops are watching, those who visit terror on defenseless cities are reluctant to take on the US military. One of the greatest losses we have experienced since we walked off from Iraq is in intelligence.

BTW Run, I put this post together in a rush and it was my intent to agree with you, not disagree. :biggrin:
Messages In This Thread
The Black Eye - by Spirit100 - 06-19-2014, 11:08 AM
The Black Eye - by TheRealThing - 06-19-2014, 10:47 PM
The Black Eye - by RunItUpTheGut - 06-20-2014, 01:57 AM
The Black Eye - by 64SUR - 06-20-2014, 08:37 AM
The Black Eye - by TheRealThing - 06-20-2014, 04:01 PM

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