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Presidential Proclamation - June is LGBT Pride Month
Mr. Onion Head Wrote:Hasn't there always been violence, drugs, and natural disasters throughout history though?

Not saying I agree with declaring a pride month because that is taking it pretty far, but my life won't be affected by it. Yours shouldn't be either.

Yes, yes there has been all those things since Adam and Eve fell in the Garden of Eden. And all those things will exist until time is no more.

Every human, besides Jesus, since Adam and Eve are born in sin.

But when God calls something an abomination in The Bible.... and then we are celebrating that abomination, having rallies and proclaiming a month as LGBT pride month. That is a slap in God's face. And He doesn't like to be made fun of. But don't take my word for it. Read The Bible and find out.

Those that choose the LGBTQ lifestyle.... or at least the people that I know, know about Jesus and what The Bible says. But they choose the LGBTQ lifestyle over Jesus..... and that's their decision.
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