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Umpire Laz Diaz acts like a child leading up to ejection
Monday night, the Yankees lost to the Angels and relief pitcher Shawn Kelley was ejected by Laz Diaz -- who is widely known as one of MLB's worst umpires. For me, though, that's ancillary to the matter. The result doesn't matter here and I'm not even worried about who was in the right during this argument, because that is irrelevant.

The problem is we have an umpire -- who is supposed to be an authority figure -- making a fool of himself:

[YOUTUBE="Laz Diaz acts like a child"]qyAio4GlkZQ[/YOUTUBE]
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Umpire Laz Diaz acts like a child leading up to ejection - by Strikeout King - 05-06-2014, 07:30 PM

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