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The Killing Of School Spirit In Floyd County
"bballjunky" Wrote:there has to be different rules made by the principals for the different schools of the 58th. that is the only possible way that Betsy Layne is allowed to do chant and paint and prestonsburg and south floyd aren't. Every morning my younger brother tells me that the principal from BL tells them to cheer for our team and not against the other team. They had like 8 different teachers there to make sure that nothing was said or happened at the pburg game.

If This Is The Case, Then I Would Be Interested In Knowing Why The Principals At South Floyd And PrestonsBurg Would Object To Their Students Showing Some School Spirit. If The Decision Came From The Board Or Dr. Fannin, I would Love To Hear His Explanation As To Why Two Schools Are Being Singled Out And Not All The Schools Are Treated The Same. It Is Not FAIR And It Is Just NOT RIGHT. :CE_DP_Ste Confusedalute:
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The Killing Of School Spirit In Floyd County - by RANDALL FLAG - 02-11-2006, 04:18 PM

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