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Any rumors of changes in coaching for middle school football
footballdad45 Wrote:NO. I was told its a coach harris. a lot of parents are not wanting him coaching. I heard that during 2 games the defense was getting killed. he don't know how to make changes. how to adjust. the parents were yelling n the crowd. I know one parent asked he kids on the team what the coach was doing to teach them on how to handle certain play and the kids said nothing and it was the same running play. he has is kid blitzing everyplay. he coached peewee and never won a game. after he left the had a winning season. he also yelled at other coaches. he's a helper maybe, not the head D coach. they should had won state. but that's the parents chat and the players want.

Who is the head coach now, surely he is not going to let this guy coach again is he
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Any rumors of changes in coaching for middle school football - by wiznut - 02-22-2014, 05:56 PM

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