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Will Highlands and Collins rematch in 2014?
Mantax....I was not on the side lines last year. But I knew everything that went on. Take that to the bank. They have some good WR's back and a QB. Maybe a couple running backs. Their soph are weak and their freshman team was terrible. They will not have the depth they had this year. And if they don't play their best athletes on both sides of the ball. They are in trouble. You can play Little Sisters of the Poor not going both ways. But against good teams. You have to have Plan B. They put guys both ways this year against Elder and Collins. They win. Their offensive line is going from an average of 265 to about 210 if they are lucky. And not the athletes this years team was.
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Will Highlands and Collins rematch in 2014? - by bo67 - 12-10-2013, 08:09 PM

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