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Favorite moments at this years state championships.
kybred Wrote:I took on the ghost pepper once and the ghost pepper won. Never again. I double dog dare you to try the Carolina Reaper - voted by Guinness as the hottest of them all. I won't be trying. :devilflam

Top moments:

1. Belfry win - I really got into voting for Coach Haywood for USA Coach of the Year and I was very happy for him and the Pond Creek Nation on the State Championship win. What a year for Belfry and Coach Haywood!

2. The last couple minutes of the Highlands/Collins game. What a finish! And I was on the losing end as a FTH fan. Congrats to Collins on a great win!

3. 4.5 games of competitive football.

I've had a ghost pepper plant growing for months and it's just now starting to get peppers on it if you'd like to eat the first one lol:flame:
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Favorite moments at this years state championships. - by pjdoug - 12-09-2013, 07:40 AM

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