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mrb5150- Your 2013 Football Pick'em Champion
From a statistical approach, here is how things shook out over the course of the year....
After week 0 (In which several were tied at the top), there were 10 lead changes throughout the year.

Here is the leaders after each week...

EKUALUM05- Week 1
Iam4thcats- Week 2
Hoghead08/Iam4thecats/mrb5150 Week 3
mrb5150- Week 4
EKUALUM05- Week 5
EKUALUM05- Week 6
EKUALUM05- Week 7
EKUALUM05/Iam4thecats/hoghead08- Week 8
EKUALUM05- Week 9
EKUALUM05- Week 10
EKUALUM05/Hoghead08/Iam4thecats- Round 1
Hoghead08/Iam4thcats/mrb5150- Round 2
Iam4thecats- Round 3
mrb5150- Round 4
mrb5150- Finals
Messages In This Thread
mrb5150- Your 2013 Football Pick'em Champion - by RunItUpTheGut - 12-08-2013, 08:44 PM

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