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Class A Playoffs Rd 2 - Paintsville @ Raceland
Litteral will have a tough recovery. He was trying to hold off on shoulder surgery whe he broke his leg. He has a torn labrum i believe. Tht is why he is in a wheelchair. His shoulder cant hold up on cruches. From what I understand, Kash had a pretty bad leg break as well. Hae to see them down. Kash being out is alot harder on Paintsville than losing Litteral is for Raceland. Raceland is pretty deep at RB. At the beggining of the year it was Beech, Litteral, Christian...since then it has become Beech, Snider, Christian. I look for Snider and Christian to have BIG years next year.

Litteral is still the heart of that team though. Letting him and Robinson lead the team on the field(by way of Robinson pushing Litterals wheel chair is a great way to keep them involved and allow those two seniors to continue to lead).

Raceland is playing very consistent ball right now. Not getting to high and not geting to low. Spreading the ball around in both the running and passing games. The bg difference in Raceland in weeks 1-5 and Raceland weeks 6-10 has been their abikity to control the clock a bit more and they have learned to utilize the fact that they dont have a leg to kick the ball deep on kickoffs. So they are doing what thu have to. They have also been playing incredible defense as of late. Holding the last 3 or 4 opponents to around 100+ yards below their average and doing so, for the most part with only 6 or 7 guys in the box.

Raceland is clicking at the right time, it may very well be a long night for the Tigers.
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Class A Playoffs Rd 2 - Paintsville @ Raceland - by Scotty_Bronson - 11-11-2013, 09:26 PM

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