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Johnson Central vs. Covington Catholic 4A playoffs
Granny Bear Wrote:Well I loved it! I thought it showed a lot of effort and time in support of Johnson Central's team. I could've done without the exploitation of "You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive" played at the end of the game, but I would've done it had I been a JC fan!!It wasn't too loud. I was told before the game that JC speakers are purposely placed to be extra loud and turned toward the visiting stands. Both are false.

I think it's great Alex, that you guys go to all that time and trouble to support your football team!!! Even if one song DID rub the wrong way!!

I didn't think their was any Harlan Co. fans left at the stadium when we played that song... :biggrin:

Thank you GB.... :roses:
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Johnson Central vs. Covington Catholic 4A playoffs - by Pulp Fiction - 11-11-2013, 12:24 PM

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