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Johnson Central... Paintsville & The Apple Bowl
khsgamenight Wrote:Coach Chirico is doing a great job at Paintsville. I love the kids on their team and know many of them personally. Excellent athletes and good coaching is a potent combination. However, Paintsville is going to have to find some depth and raise those numbers in order to compete with other major players in Class A. I think they will do just that.

As far as players moving from the county to the city to play, I also think that will happen. Actually, is happened this year. Kids who are not willing to wait for their turn and seek immediate varsity action in significant minutes will be tempted to go. I don't believe the top athletes will leave, but there will be some who take the easy way rather than face tough competition at JC.

I too believe that Coach Chirico is doing a great job at Paintsville this season. You are exactly right about the depth issue. Will the Tigers have the athletes to sustain success year in and year out? It will take a lot of County kids to do so. Times are a whole lot different now though. I don't think the Tigers program has the pull it once had. I don't think it will be near as easy to get borderline kids to come over because it isn't worth the risk.
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Johnson Central... Paintsville & The Apple Bowl - by PooperScooper - 10-03-2013, 12:44 PM

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