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2013 KYMSFA Membership List & Divisional Classifications
For goodness sakes can people stop crying about New Harlan being in D3? Caldwell County has an enrollment of 450+ JUST IN 6-8. Yes New Harlan pulls from 5 schools....1) Green Hill has a little over 100 students in K-8 and have ZERO players on the team 2) Cawood may have 80 kids in 7-8 and provide enough to the team that you wouldn't need a full hand to count them on 3) JACES has about he same number of kids as Cawood, but really only give 1 player that plays a lot of minutes to the team 4&5) Rosspoint and Wallins make up about 17-20 of the 25 TOTAL PLAYERS! The two schools have around 100 total 7-8 each, so that makes the New Harlan Patriots pull from a grand total of enrollment of around 300-350 total students which would mean around 150 male students. New Harlan is not an all star is a team made up of kids from mainly two small schools in comparison to the other D3 schools and do not pull COMBINED from 5 schools what Caldwell does from only one 6-8 school.
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2013 KYMSFA Membership List & Divisional Classifications - by UPSCat4080 - 09-25-2013, 07:46 PM

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