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Did Putin Just Put the US in His Rearview?
SKINNYPIG Wrote:Washington is being run by childish amateurs. Anyone who seriously defends the actions of this administration and 80% of congress is, um, _____________. Fill in the blank.

Maybe you will want to correct me but, to my recollection, this is the very first time a Russian president, premier, tzar, whatever, has bypassed established diplomatic protocol and addressed the American populace directly. That's a little scary to me. I mean, it's one thing for liberals to have a hot line to the man in the moon, now we have to worry about Putin.

I had hopes that we could endure this eight year tour to la-la land but, now I am losing that hope. The current administration has shunned sage advice of those gone on before and has seemingly cut off all communication to surviving, at one time governmental heavy hitters except for Bill the pill and Jimmy Carter. See, hand in hand with ignorance goes arrogance. Even in the midst of turmoil you'd never convince administration 'romper room' they're not in complete control. They're all glassy eyed ideologues, who got their world views given to them by liberal college profs, likely while yet under the lingering influence of the previous evening's pot party. Ever heard the quip, "When I want your opinion I'll give it to you"? There you go.

Two days ago John McCain was speaking as if we had nobody to answer to in the whole world and we could therefore do as we pleased in Syria, we're America, right? Now that Putin has adequately summed Obama up, I doubt very seriously we will see congress vote for, much less push for a strike in Syria. One diplomatic coup de etat, followed up by one historic op-ed and bingo, we got that new world order Obama and his band of naïve yet merry adherents have been so longing for. Welcome the brotherhood of man, goodbye American Exceptionalism and American sovereignty!

Now, if Obama can just get those darn guns out of our hands! The idea behind having the right to own and bear arms, was predicated on the unthinkable ever-so unlikelihood, that if someday the federal government failed to fulfill it's sworn constitutionally mandated duty of providing protection to our land, we'd at least have firearms to fall back on when the Ruskies hit Myrtle Beach. I know that seems somewhat laughable right now but, think back 10 years ago and remember America's image and the image of the presidency. The president, the most powerful man on earth and the leader of the free world. Now put Obama's face on that job description and tell me things haven't changed.
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Did Putin Just Put the US in His Rearview? - by TheRealThing - 09-12-2013, 10:32 PM

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