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Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare
TheRealThing Wrote:I saw something yesterday that made me shake my head a bit. There in the parking lot of a local gas station/convenience store was one of those portable pop-up pavilions. What caught my eye was the advertising printed on the canvas. "FREE PHONES" A long line of eager takers were there waiting for their own free phone.

What I saw today made that seem insignificant by comparison. As a few of us on here have argued time after time, ObamaCare could never have been paid for out of thin air in the manner laid out by this administration. You're never gonna get young folks to flock in and enroll in ObamaCare to start paying for coverage they know they are not likely to use anytime soon, especially in light of the fact they will supposedly be allowed to stay on their parents insurance until age 26. At any rate, Harry Reid finally came clean on the matter; "Yesterday on PBS’ Nevada Week In Review, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) was asked whether his goal was to move Obamacare to a single-payer system. His answer? “Yes, yes. Absolutely, yes.”

In one sense, this isn’t shocking. Reid and many other Democrats, including President Obama, have often stated that their ideal health-care system is one in which the government abolishes the private insurance market."
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Many folks have known from the outset, that the eventual emergence of a single payer system was coming if ObamaCare was passed. However, there is something that ObamaCare provides past the glaringly obvious things presented by opponents over the past few years. Those being the skyrocketing costs for care and insurance, limited availability to care, the loss of one's trusted and preferred physician for government assigned medical facilities and what ever staff happens to be at work for your so-called appointment which, will amount to no more than your 'window' for a kind of medical cattle-call. Medical rationing and yes even those death panels you've been hearing so much about. The thing that was so clever about all this is the way the liberals cloaked their true intentions in the clothes of politics. This was never about a typical two party spat. It has always been the liberal assault on the American liberties they so desperately despise. So, what else is coming as the result of ObamaCare? IMO, the so-called low information voter has been socially engineered into giving up his right to achieve the American dream. The government has been telling folks for nearly five years now they should rebel against the 'Wall Street Fat Cats' and, that if they will keep voting the democratic ticket, their Democratic dominated government, will respond in kind and just give them everything they need.

I have mentioned that today's Democrat bears no faint similarity to those of the recent past. The party has been commandeered by progressive liberals, who have ascended to positions of power within the party. Somehow they have managed to disguise their attack on traditional America as the everyday business as usual wrangling that has for so long generally characterized the differences between the two parties. The shenanigans of this day have nothing to do with the rather casual philosophical differences of the parties to which our parents and grandparents were part. This fight isn't between typical dems and repubs who both love and serve their country. This fight is between liberals who want to see America put in her place (in their eyes) and conservatives who want to keep her strong and sovereign in a very hostile world.

Past the obvious limitations listed above, ObamaCare will in my opinion, completely homogenize our culture to the casual eye into a sort of quasi sameness. I believe all that will really actually happen is the gulf between the rich and the common man will widen exponentially. Those who have worked hard to provide comforts and a margin of safety in the form of savings, and things like health and life insurance, will wake up one day soon to find the field has been suddenly and artificially leveled. Why would folks continue to work hard to get ahead when the ability to get ahead has been taken away by government? I mean, if they are going to keep putting the 'no works' by law up to the head of the line, who are we kidding here? In the place of personal achievement, will come government issued regulations which, will require everybody to get and do, "his fair share." Health insurance companies as we know them may soon vanish from memory. That is what a single payer system does, eradicate insurance companies. Hence, all the hate speak and bad mouthing in their direction of late. Obviously there are faults but, they are faults which are correctable from within the existing system.

Here's generally what I'm talking about. Take the guy who has spent his whole adult life leaning against the floodwall with a bottle of Thunderbird in his hand who suddenly, finds that he has been escorted to the front of the line, ahead of all those who, thanks to honest and hard effort, at one time enjoyed certain privilege over him. To me this is the true genius of the liberal assault on traditional America. This homogenizing of the health care system, while making it look like a mere fight between dems and repubs is an example of misdirection at the nuclear level. People are going to throw up their hands in betrayal and disbelief.

I can't think of a better way to sap the strength and soul of the American public than to remove the reward for superior innovation and hard work. On the one hand, dems preach diversity and tolerance but, on the other as is evidenced by current policy, they mandate one size fits all regulations to force this Unitarian concept of sameness on the masses.
Messages In This Thread
Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare - by nky - 08-13-2013, 02:58 PM
Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare - by vector - 08-13-2013, 06:14 PM
Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare - by nky - 08-14-2013, 08:46 AM
Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare - by vector - 08-14-2013, 06:00 PM
Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare - by vector - 08-14-2013, 06:02 PM
Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare - by nky - 08-14-2013, 07:20 PM
Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare - by vector - 08-18-2013, 06:58 AM
Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare - by vector - 08-18-2013, 11:24 AM
Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare - by vector - 08-18-2013, 02:42 PM
Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare - by vector - 09-28-2013, 12:00 PM
Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare - by vector - 10-04-2013, 03:58 PM
Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare - by vector - 10-04-2013, 07:42 PM
Mid-Terms of 2014 all about ObamaCare - by Pick6 - 10-23-2013, 11:18 AM

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