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Will George Zimmerman get a fair trial?
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:This is all ridiculous. Rachel is a human being and is deserving of the respect that we should afford all human beings as, in most of our eyes, God's creation.

However, the attempts of the liberal media to paint her as something that she is clearly not is insulting. For whatever reason(s), and we all have our opinions, Rachel is not an intelligent, gifted, model citizen with great potential. She is much, much closer to the opposite. You can blame the government education system, you can blame poverty, you can blame racism, or you can blame George W. Bush. However, the reality is that she is what she is and that is it.

I took Spanish, French, German, and Latin in high school and/or college. Does that, along with English, make me fluent in five languages since I know a number words and phrases in all five languages? Of course not.

To be honest, a missing commodity in the media, intellectually Rachel isn't fluent in anything. She can neither read nor write cursively. We don't really know about her ability, if any, with printing. Sadly, her appearance and demeanor fit the stereotype that many have of many in the minority community. The media knows this and is going to dishonest lengths to "rehabilitate" her to make her appear to be what she clearly is not.That is wrong. Rachel is what she appears to be. Nothing more and nothing less. She deserves our respect as a fellow human being but does not deserve a complete makeover into what the liberal media wishes she were. In the end, it is really demeaning to Rachel and an insult to the rest of us.

The media goes to extraordinarily dishonest lengths to rehabilitate or otherwise habilitate the cause of the day. Whether that be to support and justify the continued pursuit of Gay rights, abortion on demand or whatever seems to be the immediate liberal focus. Or on the other hand, whether that be going to like lengths to excoriate anybody on the right who would dare to publicly advocate adherence or return to our traditional values.

Consider this abbreviated book report for just a few minutes. {copied}

"In George Orwell's novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Ministry of Truth is Oceania's propaganda ministry. It is responsible for any necessary falsification of historical events. The word truth in the title Ministry of Truth should warn, by definition, that the "minister" will self-serve its own "truth"; the title implies the willful fooling of posterity using "historical" archives to show "in fact" what "really" happened. As well as administering truth, the ministry spreads a new language amongst the populace called Newspeak, in which, for example, truth is understood to mean statements like 2 + 2 = 5 when the situation warrants.

It is one of the four ministries that govern Oceania. However, as with the other Ministries in the novel, the Ministry of Truth is a misnomer and in reality serves the opposite of its purported namesake.

I would venture to make the observation that the media of our time, are evolving into an entity which more closely resembles Orwell's "Ministry of Truth" rather than reporting the truth. In fact, I know for sure that they slant the news pro liberal and anti conservative. People therefore, who choose to listen to the message, or ministry, are willful subjects of the propaganda being shoved at them on a daily basis. People want to be lied to these days; 2 Timothy 4:3-4 (KJV)
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Many politicians are guilty of parroting the liberal message as well, Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, McCain (and the rest of the RINOS), Schultz, Conyers, Jackson, the list is replete. The media partnered with the three branches of the federal government, make a formidable platform from which today's liberal propaganda is delivered. It is the one two punch to end all punches, the mother of one two punches, the pied piper of one two punches, call it what you will. The masses are opiated by it and America has become undeniably the laughing stock of the world because of it. I mean, here we are with a president that makes personal phone calls to pro athletes for coming out of the closet, simultaneously giving global honor to Islam. While all those who really are adherents of Islam, dream of drawing a bead on him with their hood ornament for espousing homosexuality, which their religion teaches them to hate. When the likes of Ethiopia thumb their nose at us with impunity and no fear, even those aboard the ship of fools sailing the placid waters of Lake La-La, should be able to guess that something might be wrong here.
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