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Fastest returning football players
Armchair QB Wrote:I apologize if anyone thought I was taking a stab at Jordan. I have seen him play and He will have a heck of a career at Somerset. I also know that he very fast. I don't think people realize how fast 4.4 really is. I've had the opportunity to watch several athletes from high school to the d1 level train the past couple years. I have yet to see any be sub 4.5.

Not at all!!! I just wanted to make sure that every one knows the we do not think Jordan runs a legit 4.4. I do know how fast that is and I hope Jordan works hard enough to reach that point by the time he is a senior. I will never brag on Jordan as he is my son but I will be very fair and say he is fast for his age. And i will also say that I tell all of our players at Somerset that they need to be laser timed to help their recruiting because all schools want a verified time. I'm with with you guys about hyped 40 times but unfortunately its a big part of the recruiting process and skill kids must perform well in this event! I would like to say that I do think Cam Cheuvront will time in the 4.4's on laser. He is the fastest kid I have timed. Somerset is blessed with speed this year just hope we can take advantage of it!
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