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Fastest returning football players
Armchair QB Wrote:See post #6.

Jordan has been hand timed in the 4.5 range. He was named to the 8th grade all American team (played in San Antonio, tge equivalent of the army all american bowl in high school and is played the same week as the high schoolers play theirs) as a running back. Kid is a heck of a player. Somerset has a ton of speed this year, Briar Jumper BD may be able to tell us if Jordan has ever been electronically timed (I'm thinking he has). Doan will end up being one of the all time greats because of his god gifted ability, but more importantly his work ethic. The Somerset staff doesn't hype up speed and 40 times... They don't have to, the kids speak for themselves.
Messages In This Thread
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Fastest returning football players - by Patch - 08-25-2013, 09:13 PM

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