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Say Hello to the New 29 Hour Work Week
Harry Rex Vonner Wrote:Your analysis is correct. However, America will never change. Our elections are now decided by the "will nots" who feel they are entitled to live off the rest of us. That isn't going to change.

One side supports opportunity to earn your way to success. The other side offers handouts. The younger populace of this country is primarily made up of lazy dullards- uneducated and unmotivated. They decide the elections. They obviously will keep electing those who buy their votes with promises of more and more "entitlements". I know this because, as a college professor, I see them every day. They don't know the name of their congressman but they can name the Kardashian sisters. They are ill-prepared by the government schools and, thus, a very large percentage of them take remedial courses. And, with all the various and sundry handouts and grants, the taxpayers foot the bill.

What can the side that stands for individual initiative do? I suppose they can become like the other side. They seem to be moving in that direction. However, in truth, they can never out give those who have a long and established history of trading giveaways for votes.

Khrushchev said that this country would destroy itself from within. It looks like he was right.

You are right HRV, and what is scary is that the "takers" reproduce at a much faster rate than the people who contribute.
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Say Hello to the New 29 Hour Work Week - by WideRight05 - 03-30-2013, 09:28 PM

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