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Say Hello to the New 29 Hour Work Week
TheRealThing Wrote:Well, I don't think they have the experience to think anything through. Not that you could tell them that. For a clear view on the matter, and if you like a good book to read once I a while, "The Amateur" by Edward Klein is worth the price. It wasn't Klein who dubbed Obama an amateur however, it was none other than the venerable William Jefferson Clinton.

According to Klein, Obama doesn't understand basic American idealism and in fact, his presidency embodies his own personal rage against everything he feels is wrong with our society. I believe he thinks he is fixing things, by remaking America in his vision. Sincerity not withstanding, we none the less, are in some real trouble and soon we will be out of the channel without a paddle. I believe one of the last markers for our nation, if not the very last, before we launch out into the deep, may well be the mid-terms of 2014. If we can gain enough seats in the senate. We might manage to stall the liberal agenda enough until 2016 to at least keep a marker in sight. At such time, Obama and his legions of anti-American kooks, Czars, movers and shakers all, by virtue of the power of the presidency, will have to clear out of DC.

That's one of the big, big problems of our society, electing people because they are "cool" rather than competent and experienced. Like you had mentioned in a post a while back, there is no substitute for experience. According to liberals, it's all about having degrees and as much "education" as possible. The result? An inexperienced group that doesn't know what in the world is going on, and then Obamacare gets rammed through congress. I hope, for America's sake, that we wake up at mid-terms.
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Say Hello to the New 29 Hour Work Week - by WideRight05 - 03-30-2013, 09:37 AM

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