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What would your KHSAA class format look like?
chicken_hawks101 Wrote:I 110 percent agree with your opinion of demographics. I feel that many schools are trapped with what kids are there, and with little to no economy there isn't any type of turnover. Most faMilies who have a great athlete in a bad school Move to a new location, which requires parents to find a job in that new location. Most counties in Kentucky do not have that type of abilities do to their poor economic situation.
I honestly think that Kentucky should have a private/ independent league. I think that there should be 2 sections of the private independent league Class A and Class b for the large and smaller schools. I think that any private or independent school should not have a district but play 10 regular season games of their choice. From there they would be in there a Class A or Class B playoff bracket. This would do away with the private an independent monopoly of state titles in KKhsaa.
Why do keep classifying independent with private schools? Independent schools are public schools.
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What would your KHSAA class format look like? - by Jarons - 03-13-2013, 07:58 PM

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