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7 on 7 tournment thread
Allen Elementary Passing Tournaments April 20& 27 2013

Location: Allen Elementary 112 Eagles Ln , Allen , KY 41601

Time: 10am-@3pm

Entry Fee: no entry, but teams are encouraged to bring lots of fans and visit our concession stand.

For: 7th-8th grade combined teams or 8th grade teams

Our goals for these weekends of spring football is to have a platform for teaching the passing game as well as defending the pass, keeping our teams excited about football, and also the conditioning benefits.

Rules: Two forty yard grass fields playing at the same time, with 20min halves with a 2min timeout for both teams @10mins to go. There will be a six minute half-time period between halves.10-15min break between games. Each team will be allowed 7 players, one of them must be a center to snap the ball on offense and not be an eligible receiver. Defensive teams will have one defender lined up on the center as a nose guard or d-lineman, and cannot rush the QB until after a 5 one thousand count has been achieved. Offensive formations can be any as long as there are 3 men on the scrimmage. Only head coach on field with offensive team only, defensive team coached from sideline.
Scoring Rules: Each team will have 6 plays in which to score a touchdown starting with a coin flip to determine first possession, alternating after coin flip till time expires at end of second half. There will be no overtime periods, unless necessary to determine a winner of the single elimination, after pool play. Touchdowns are 6 points, conversions from the 3 1/2yd line are 2 points, you are allowed a dead ball kick from the 8 1/2yd line, a made kick is 3points a missed attempt is worth 1point. Defensive interception is worth 2points and loss of down. Helmets, mouthpieces, jerseys, and cleats will be the proper uniform.
Rules interpretations: We will keep all games as a learning tool and determine what the best teaching point to go bye is. There will be 1 licensed referee per game and 1 coach referee.
Main Rule: Teaching our kids to have fun playing football!

There will participation trophies for each team attending and Winner and runner-up for the tournament session.

We hope to see you there contact info is: [email][/email] 606-259-2067
Messages In This Thread
7 on 7 tournment thread - by tvtimeout - 02-12-2013, 01:37 PM
7 on 7 tournment thread - by Mr.November - 02-12-2013, 02:02 PM
7 on 7 tournment thread - by KMSFA2 - 02-18-2013, 03:03 PM
7 on 7 tournment thread - by MeangreeN - 02-18-2013, 03:48 PM
7 on 7 tournment thread - by MeangreeN - 04-10-2013, 10:29 AM
7 on 7 tournment thread - by MeangreeN - 04-11-2013, 05:00 PM
7 on 7 tournment thread - by tvtimeout - 04-15-2013, 11:02 AM

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