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Yahoo Sports' Pat Forde at Pikeville/East Ridge game
They have done nothing illegal, not breaking any rules...why want to not let them play? I like the excuse about taking playing time away from local makes those same local boys better! I guarantee if it were another local kid, no one would be constantly whining about playing time being taken away from the kids that were already here. It's two faced, it's like no one gives a damn about the kids anymore. Starting to think alot of the people that hate on these boys do so because of all the attention they're getting...just tears them up so bad to see a more talented player come in and get offers from the top programs in the country. The hypocrisy is ridiculous. Let them play, if they break the rules, hand den the punishment. But until that actually happens, why condemn them in the court of public opinion?

Of course, if God himself came down and told these people that these boys aren't recruited, most still wouldn't believe it. I don't expect to change anyone's mind, and I don't care what they believe because if these boys have haters and people against them, which they do, they're obviously doing something right. These kids sure aren't getting anything for coming down here except a chance to play at the next level, and there is NO plus to this region besides's hell coming from the cities they come from to a place like EKY. It just makes zero sense that kids would come here for any other reason, not to mention the fact that their transfers get the upmost scrutinization from the school and KHSAA.

It's this simple. Take it or leave it, believe what ya want. It's not going to change anything though, no matter how bad some of you all wish for their downfall. Good luck to these boys, hopefully these boys will be playing on National TV in a couple years while all the people that hated on them brag about going to the same school they did or pout about it either way. It's a ton of bad karma that eventually just going to find it's say back to ya one day, hahahaha.

And the schools I root for definitely aren't benefitting from any of these kids. They're actually getting destroyed on the court by them. They're kids, they've broke no rules and actually have a chance to play at the next level, unlike 95% of local kids...let em play. Or at the very LEAST, don't turn a blind eye when these local kids go from school to school, treat it the same. That's something nearly none of you that don't want them here are doing. Some do, the overwhelming majority are two-faced and don't.
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Yahoo Sports' Pat Forde at Pikeville/East Ridge game - by vundy33 - 02-04-2013, 11:45 PM

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