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Prestonsburg City Buildings To Go Smoke-Free
The amount of illnesses, complications, and deaths attributed to second hand smoke should be considered when the government decides that people should still be allowed to pollute our environment and our bodies with their toxins. People recieve cancer from being exposed to smoke, when they themselves do not even use cigarettes and other tobacco products. People do not have choices when it comes to having to inhale other's smoke when they are in the same building as them. Sometimes it cannot be avoided. More than once, you will be forced to share a room, walk past, or be extremely close to someone or more than one person who is smoking at that time. It is a major health risk. Even if it did not cause people to die, the smell alone is a good enough reason to make people gringe about being around it. I don't want to die because of someone else's choice that I have no control over. Smoke in the privacy of your home, your property, and your car...don't expose people to it that want no part in it.
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Prestonsburg City Buildings To Go Smoke-Free - by thetribe - 01-26-2006, 01:21 PM

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