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Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut
Hoot Gibson Wrote:The overwhelming majority of people will grow to loathe Obamacare when it takes full effect. Wait until the doctor shortages kick in and long lines queue up for common surgeries like hip replacements. That is what has happened everywhere the government has taken over healthcare. Single payer is Obama's goal and it will become a reality because the law encourages people to make decisions that will eventually put most insurance companies out of business.

As for links, I was just pointing out that RV often posts links that he has not read to support his positions. He just assumes that what Obama has whispered in his ear is true and then tells people who doubt him to read a few thousand pages of legalese. So, links do not lend credibility to a poster unless he or she already has credibility. When I post links, I almost always include excerpts to show that I have at least read enough of an article to recognize the relevant part that supports my argument.

I don't see MD shortages occuring as you say. Which is why there is going to be such a large growth in the PA and NP field. The future will be seeing MD's for the critical things and specialties, while seeing PA's and NP's for the common things, colds, flu, stomach aches, and follow ups. When you go to have your heart cath or surgery, the MD will see you, but following that you will mainly be face to face with the NP's, while the MD reviews your chart and any changes.

This will benefit everybody. The MD's will be able to focus more on the serious cases, while the clients receive faster and less expensive care. Anything short of dying, I go and see the NP's or PA's.

As far as the long lines for hip replacements?? I'm not sure what you are talking about? Maybe it is due to your lack of experience in the medical field, but more people are not going to be needing hip replacements now that they have insurance, and if you think there are people out there that go without them due to insurance, then you truly do not understand how our current health care system works. (maybe there are some cases, but not enough to be statistically relevant.)

This applies to any type of major surgery or procedure. If you have no insurance, and go into the ED at any local hospital in this area with chest pain, EKG comes back and shows acute MI, you will get your heart cath, stents, pacer, whatever is needed, and follow ups to ensure you are recovering if you survive.

I know many talk about paying for people's insurance, my point is that you ALREADY PAY FOR IT. Those costs that are absorbed by the hospital and MD's are just passed on to those with insurance.

Now let's say acute MI guy would have had insurance all along, when he was having health problems for the last 2 years, he maybe could have went to a doctor, got put on some meds, and never had his MI, this would maybe have cost a couple thousand (maybe less), instead of the hundred+ thousand that was spent.
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Papa John's CEO: Obamacare likely to raise costs, employee's hours being cut - by Beetle01 - 11-17-2012, 02:28 AM

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