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November surprise: EPA planning major post-election anti-coal regulation
TheRealThing Wrote:Here we go again. Selenium. Selenium is an essential element required by our body in small amounts and is naturally found in plants, seafood, meat and meat products. The selenium scare is likely nothing more than contrived EPA data. After all, the head of this edition of the EPA, Obama appointee Lisa Jackson, has already shown herself to be off her nut; "As the first African-American head of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Lisa Jackson is already a historic figure. Yet, it's her response to the threat of climate change that will ultimately decide her legacy. On April 17, Jackson's EPA issued an endangerment finding on greenhouse gases, concluding that carbon dioxide and other emissions posed a threat to public health and welfare."

If we don't get these loons our of power this time, everybody will be hurting. BTW, for all you (this includes me) that like to go out and cut firewood to burn in your homes, you can forget that too. The EPA will be clamping down of stoves, fireplaces and free burning coal appliances. You'll pay through the nose for your heat just like the city slickers do.
So you got nothing on too large amounts getting into the water? You think this might be one of the reasons the coal fields have such a high cancer rate? Are you willing to take a chance, because of political leanings? Selenium is toxic at higher levels. Coal companies are not building these 50 million dollar treatment plants for no reason.
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November surprise: EPA planning major post-election anti-coal regulation - by TheRealVille - 11-04-2012, 11:05 PM

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