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best players in 7th/8th grade in eastern Ky?
WILD WILLIE Wrote:it always has to be someone elses fault, fatdaddy, or doughbaby or what evewr your name is get off here and get on the crybabies or whinners web site, or be a man and say they were a better team or they had a better game, dont blame it on age, and by the way how stupid to say that there is a bigger difference in 12 to 15 than 16 to 19 your ignorant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is a big difference in the age 12-15 then 16-19 when it comes to maturity buddy. You need to stop calling other people ignorant and worry about yourself.
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best players in 7th/8th grade in eastern Ky? - by KarnivalKat - 10-21-2012, 06:28 PM

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