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Best Middle School Players and Teams around
Warrior, I am glad to see your opinion out of the east. That is the way we try to look at it. We have no way to gauge what teams we will see out there. We do know we have a good team here and there are other good teams over here. I took great offense to someone getting on here and telling us we were paper champions because we didn't play anyone when they have no idea. Blue believe me we were physical with Lone Oak. We had them on the ropes with about 6 minutes left in the game and our qb hurt his non throwing arm. He went out and we tried the wildcat. I think that would have been fine if we would have ran out of it but they had the rb try to throw. I think he felt a little rushed to do something and threw two int's. We brought in the 7th grd qb and you could definately tell he was somewhat stressed and threw another one. You look up at the scoreboard and what was a 20-18 ballgame now became a 42-18 ballgame. I think there is a way we can get on here and brag about our boys and not disrespect other teams and that is what I would like to see, because these boys can get on this site and read as well. Think about how offensive 12-14 year old boys would find this.
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Best Middle School Players and Teams around - by mysonis55 - 10-14-2012, 12:29 AM

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