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Best Middle School Players and Teams around
Guys it's like this. This is supposed to be a learning experience for our kids. This is the first time in school history that our little team, that the east guys have pointed out so ellequently know nothing about football, has entered this tourny. I am sure the great teams from the east have a lock on this, we are not worthy. Who cares what this moron has to say, lets go play and let our boys do the talking. Evidence has proven over the years, if we dont get them now, we will when it matters. That is basically it in a nut shell. There are some of these blow hards over on that side that know everything there is to know about football and we will just all have to learn on the west side. Grin and bear it.:please:
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Best Middle School Players and Teams around - by mysonis55 - 10-13-2012, 03:57 PM

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