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Best Middle School Players and Teams around
rednblackattack Wrote:Well that is where your lack of football knowledge shows. I just told you how Mayfield turned around Lone Oak by over 40 points from 6th to 7th grade happened. Mayfield dresses 17 kids do you really think new players made the difference. So you think a Qb who didnt have the strength to throw past the line of scrimmage last year develops and now can throw with strength and accuracy to a kid who dropped balls last year and now is catchinh them or a running back who was fast now developing cuts and when to hit the hole or kick it out cant make up 20 points. I have seen it on the HS level grade school and middle school level. Heck an offensive line learning technique and leverage and how to get off the ball faster can give 20 points to your offense. That is not even counting defense where improvement can effect that same 20 points. As for how hard you work and how much you practice Mayfield Middle started when the Hs did which is a you are legally aloud to start and went full pads when the HS did as well. I cant speak for Lone Oak but i am really betting they did to. So if the Pulaskies were going beyond that it might have been illegally, not sure Middle Schools have to follow the same rules so it could have just been unethically. The Automatic assumption of the practice and work ethic of teamsyou couldnt possibly know anything about tells me alot about your football knowledge and your probable age.

the sooner you learn that the rules that apply to the rest of the state, do not apply to the mountain teams ...the easier it will be to accept these things you and i can't control ...spend your time worrying about things you can control and let the things you can not control go.. there are no checks and balances in that area, in our area there is a director of activities who you had better believe is checking on our schools and will shut a program down for non compliance came to many of our practices in the summer and wanted to see heat index charts making sure everyone was playing on an even field and he probally has 15-20 teams inside of jefferson county i would venture to say mr. vinegar gets to all of them on a regular basis i as a parent am very glad we have this kind of system no team is given an unfair advantage and no coach is bigger than the system. i have an 8th grader with a 3.8 gpa and may be academically inelidigible this week [playoff week] due to 1 missing homework assignment last week i'm pretty sure there are very few programs who work under such a tough policy the one thing i am sure of is when my young man leaves farnsley middle school he will be prepared for high school both on and off the field and in the end that is what matters to me most. we are set to attempt a deep run in the playoffs and in the end when it is all said and done if we win or lose we will know we did it the right way ..THE FARNSLEY WAY...GO WILDCATS!!!!
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Best Middle School Players and Teams around - by DOUGHDADDY - 10-13-2012, 02:21 PM

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