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Best Middle School Players and Teams around
mysonis55 Wrote:That's good info on Butler. Thank you for that. My question would be, who have they played. Fulton City High School won a game this year too, but they had to go all the way to Tn to find that team. I don't mean any disrespect at all, I just cant take their record at face value. Are they a running team, passing team or balanced. Have they played any teams the size and calibre of Lone Oak. These are the type of insights we are looking for. What kind of teams have they played against, such as mostly one demintional teams (meaning they only run the ball). I hope you dont take this the wrong way just looking for some info.

More pressing right now is info on Owensboro Cath and Caldwell. We dont even have to worry about Butler unless we get through them two. Anyone with information please speak up, anyone... anyone... anyone...
I did not say BC would win I said they would give division some competition also they beat moss and south warren by a wide margin we all know Pulaski school are good but are not in high school just wondering never here of them as power house like their middle school teams
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Best Middle School Players and Teams around - by Packer11 - 10-10-2012, 02:38 PM

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