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who would be opposed to this rule change regarding holdbacks...
I see alot of ppl missing the age point here. The proper age for most 8th graders is 14/15. Some of you are acting like if a kid is 14/15 and in the 8th grade they cant compete with Fr. and Soph. they dont have to, they are legal age for 8th grade. You do realize that the ages of legal Fr. are 15/16, Soph. 16/17, Jr 17/18, and Sr. 18/19 right? Whether a kid plays during his or her holdback year in middle school is only regulated by the school districts themselves or by conference boards were all schools involved are in agreance to 1 yr. per grade rule. Holdbacks may not play any high school sport during their holdback year in middle school per KHSAA rules.
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who would be opposed to this rule change regarding holdbacks... - by Hitters_Count - 10-09-2012, 01:40 PM

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