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Johnson Central @ Perry County Central 8/24
geauxtigers75 Wrote:Besides a fumble on what was going to be a touchdown and an onside kick, and making at least 4 dumb penalties that negated first downs and killed drives? I think they did indeed give Pburg some opportunities. You've been spouting that off all week, congrats on the win, but you might want to focus on Sheldon Clark now. Also, clobbered isn't the word I would use, considering it took you until the last minute of the game to take the lead, I would reserve 'clobber' for beating someone 56-0, not 27-24. Also, the playing for more than a W part is more of an internal matter I don't want to jump into. It has nothing to do with last weeks game or football at all for that matter, and that's all I have to say about it.

May I mention that on the onside kick it went about 30 yards and the Commodores just sat and stared at it.
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Johnson Central @ Perry County Central 8/24 - by running_clock - 08-24-2012, 04:06 PM

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