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Mitt Romney declining to disclose names of campaign bundlers
OrangenowBlue Wrote:Maybe Romney needs to have his own "hired goon". I know a good candidate, Karl Rove. The world renown character assassinator himself.
Rove is a minor leaguer when it comes to wallowing in the mud. Obama actually won his Illinois Senate seat by persuading his popular Republican opponent to withdraw from the race after his goons managed to convince a judge to unseal divorce records over the objections of both his opponent and his opponent's wife. However, by personally targeting Romney supporters, Obama has sunk to an even lower level of mud.

I don't like some of the tactics that Romney used during the primary campaign but distorting your opponents' records, as I believe that Romney did, is much different that using private detectives and the media to intimidate and discourage private citizens from making political contributions to your opponents.

Quote:[COLOR="Blue"]Strassel: Trolling for Dirt on the President's List

Here's what happens when the president of the United States publicly targets a private citizen for the crime of supporting his opponent.

Frank VanderSloot is the CEO of Melaleuca Inc. The 63-year-old has run that wellness-products company for 26 years out of tiny Idaho Falls, Idaho. Last August, Mr. VanderSloot gave $1 million to Restore Our Future, the Super PAC that supports Mitt Romney.

Three weeks ago, an Obama campaign website, "Keeping GOP Honest," took the extraordinary step of publicly naming and assailing eight private citizens backing Mr. Romney. Titled "Behind the curtain: a brief history of Romney's donors," the post accused the eight of being "wealthy individuals with less-than-reputable records." Mr. VanderSloot was one of the eight, smeared particularly as being "litigious, combative and a bitter foe of the gay rights movement."

Link to entire article

Quote:[COLOR="Blue"]National Briefing | Midwest: Illinois: Candidate's Divorce Records Opened

Jack Ryan, a Senate candidate, lost his battle to keep his divorce records sealed. Judge Robert A. Schnider of Superior Court in Los Angeles ruled that at least some of the records, though embarrassing and potentially harmful to Mr. Ryan's son, should be opened. Mr. Ryan, a Republican who was married to the actress Jeri Lynn Ryan, said that neither he nor his former wife would appeal the decision. Mr. Ryan faces Barack Obama, a Democrat, in the race to fill the seat of Senator Peter G. Fitzgerald, a Republican who is retiring.

This is why I said that Romney should only divulge the legally required information about his supporters. Nothing is off limits to the thugs running the Obama campaign and that is just how our current president likes to run his campaigns. He is a dangerous man who will not hesitate to destroy the lives of private citizens and political opponents alike to cling to power.

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