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Obama announces he supports same-sex marriage
TidesHoss32 Wrote:Well, before anybody makes assumptions about my stance, please let me ALSO say that although I do believe in God and the resurrection, in the same breath, I will admit that I am at odds with some of the normal Christian beliefs. Dont question God? WHY? I would like to know answers instead of getting the "because its in the Bible" answer everytime I ask. Explain to me, WHY this happens or that happens. I didnt say that I am gonna go toe to toe with Him. I live my life constantly wanting to learn new things. I have read the Bible. I said I do not condone homosexuality, but many of you are talking about "picking and choosing what they believe in, what they stand up for", and yet you want to talk about Cafeteria Christians? Truth, Dusty, Wideright, first and foremost, I respect you all A LOT, but 90% of your Cafeteria Christians attend Church every Sunday morning, and are BY FAR the most hypocritical people walking the face of the earth. I have learned over the past ten years, that you CANNOT depend on the Church for ANYTHING. I cannot respect "Christians" that are praising God on facebook, or are out in public pointing fingers at those that do wrong, gossiping relentlessly about other people, and I honestly cannot think of ONE SINGLE THING they do in public that is POSITIVE, BUT, they are good and decent people because they go to church every Sunday, so that makes them a Christian.. When I worked for three summers helping my aunt build houses and do work for people, I was to charge a pastor (who at the time was driving a newer Lincoln Town Car and living in a beautiful home) $120 for four hours of labor and work I done on his wiring and outlets. Know what I got? I got $45 and a "The Lord will Bless you for this" quote. I told him he was $75 short, and wrote him out a bill, which he never paid. In my eyes, that pastor is nothing more than a good for nothing THIEF. I know this is common in that line of work, and I know that all Christians arent like that, BUT this guy was a PASTOR using the Lord to his advantage, for his convenience. During the tornado relief, I will say there were VERY few churches (out of well over 20 that I visited in this area) that helped (by sending food, money, supplies, etc). I am thankful, and grateful for those few churches. If these able bodied Christians would get off of their butts and do something in the community instead of pointing and gossiping and worrying about their drama teams, then I would give them five minutes of my time to hear what they have to say. I cannot respect church members that do not go see the elderly people (Cant cook, give money or help with the drama team? We dont need you anymore!), and I can tell you that the people in the churches know this is a problem. I am NOT a Cafeteria Christian. I do NOT regularly attend Church (most of the people here go to church just to be seen in the public eye anyway). And unless its about some pillhead junkie stealing off of an elderly person, or I hear of a child being molested or something like that, then I wont pass judgement on someone, and whether anyone on this forum wants to admit it or not, WE ALL HAVE PASSED JUDGEMENT and we do it every single day. I do it everyday I hear of something horrible like that mentioned above. I honestly and truthfully try my absolute best every single day of my LIFE to do good things for those that are less fortunate, and that is a promise Ive made to the people that love me, and to God himself. God knows all to well that I have my faults, but I believe that He knows I am a very good person that has done, currently is doing, and Lord willing, will be able to continue to do good works. I have dedicated my life to helping those in need, and to helping our Veterans. I would rather do what I am doing, and thats just trying to be a good, decent person, than to be able bodied, go to church every Sunday, and not do one single thing to help those in need, or to even make the time to GO SEE someone that needs company. I know whats in the Bible, and I know gay marriage is wrong, but if those people are good enough to go into the military, and go to war for all of us, then let them marry. A sin is a sin, right? Its no different than these Cafeteria Christians having premarital sex, or living together without being married and attending Church on Sunday. Compared to the other problems we have in this country, in my opinion anyways, this is minor.

IMHO, the only way to really believe in God is to first question it, then doubt it.
It's simple human nature. It's what you believe after the fact tha makes you a chrisitian or not.
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Obama announces he supports same-sex marriage - by RunItUpTheGut - 05-13-2012, 08:51 PM

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