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Obamas pay $162K in taxes -- a 20.5% rate
TheRealThing Wrote:Speaking of statements devoid of merit, your first sentence (bolded) is a good example. I know people get desperate and lapse into denial but, surely you're not trying to say the American unemployment crisis is a misrepresentation of statistics are you? For crying out loud RV, the reason Obama is screaming for higher tax rates is because the demand has exceeded the tax base. So many folks either don't work or don't pay taxes, we can't meet our bills anymore.

Spending cuts (the ONLY hope for America) will not happen until 'maybe' after the coming election, therefore it's no more complicated than this; since the folks in congress are so polarized when it comes to spending, they can't dream up any way to fill the coffers of the depleted US treasury other than using the same old cash cow that they, their fathers, and their forefathers used. That, of course, is to raise taxes on working folks be they rich or poor. To justify, or otherwise conceal the true nature of their own actions, they can haze the common man or dazzle him with language by calling the new tax by whatever name they dream up, replete with scales and progressive income bracketry, but, in the end it's just MORE taxes. Obama has used the "fair share" smoke screen to mesmerize the democratic faithful into declaring congress justified in a moral sense, to decree that the so called rich owe all the social slugs a more and better free ride. They (congressional dems and their staffers) are the ones that concieved of the "Occupy Wall Street Movement", organized and financed it, gave it credibility and painted a patriotic face on it to present to the American public via, the main stream media. The professionals employed by the likes of MSNBC, et-al, presented the story in a believable maner and thus, 'sold' a lot of the American public that the whole farce was valid. At any rate, if Obama is re-elected, we are poised to enact tax laws which will extort or strip away much of the wealth of those who have succeeded in the marketplace.

Anybody that wants to get a handle on the Obama administration's 'vision' for America, need only to study the politics of the FDR era. Our president is using his (FDR's) playbook, step by step. Folks back then pointed out the same flaws, as in present day Obama policies, in FDR's socialist tendencies and policies that were either not enacted or struck down by the Supreme Court. Thank God for checks and balances and the 3 branches of the federal govenrment. The founding fathers concept of a goverrnment of the people worked back then, maybe it will save us yet again.

But, back to my intitial point. The company I worked for is still in business, shocker!, I thought sure they'd shut their doors when I left, LOL. I had a long conversation with the owners only yesterday and there is nothing going on right now. It's the worst it's been since they have been in business, and in their case that's a long time. Very little expansion or new construction of any kind, commercial or industrial, is afoot right now. A SIZEABLE work force has been idled as a result. Maybe you could explain to the laidoff employees of my company that they are merely suffering from a statistical misapplication. I'm sure it would cheer them up.
Get back to me after Obama wins his 2nd term. FDR was Americas greatest President. Right in front of JFK, and Clinton. Let's talk about all the republican crooks.
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Obamas pay $162K in taxes -- a 20.5% rate - by TheRealVille - 04-14-2012, 09:49 PM

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