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Obama: Both Arrogant and Ignorant
TheRealVille Wrote:
Ronald Reagan, for his part, remade the federal judiciary the old-fashioned way: by filling the bench with appointees who shared his philosophy. Toward that end he spoke forcefully, and often, about that philosophy, including the need for judges “who don’t confuse the criminals with the victims; judges who don’t invent new or fanciful constitutional rights for those criminals; judges who believe the courts should interpret the law, not make it; judges, in short, who understand the principle of judicial restraint.” In words echoed by Obama this week, Reagan reminded Americans that “in our democracy, it is the elected representatives of the people, not unelected judges, who make laws.” And Reagan warned what would happen if justices ignored that civics lesson: “If that happens,” he said, “the words of the documents that we think govern us will be just masks for the personal and capricious rule of a small elite.” Sharper words, certainly, than we heard from Obama this week.

LOL, trying to justify Barack Hussein Obama's attack on the Supreme Court by likening him to Ronald Reagan is like saying Jimmy Carter was like JFK. Although I do agree in principle with what Shesol is saying here it is another example of misapplying the meaning of the RR quote. Reagan was speaking of judges who legislated from the bench, he wasn't stepping on them for doing their job which, in the case of the Supreme Court is to decide the constitutionality of a proposed law. Shesol goes on to cite a UNANIMOUS Supreme Court ruling during the FDR era in which the court struck down part of his National Industrial Recovery Act. One of the historical judgments about the Supreme Court striking down many of FDR’s early New Deal measures—especially the National Recovery Act and the Agricultural Adjustment Act (in an opinion written by a Justice named Roberts!)—is that these Court rulings actually helped FDR because it gave him a quick escape hatch from semi-socialist economic policies that had no hope of working. At the time the Court struck down the NRA in 1934, James MacGregor Burns noted in The Lion and the Fox, the NRA “was near administrative and political collapse” because of its “insuperable problems.” Kinda sounds like Obamacare, doesn’t it?

The National Recovery Act essentially tried to cartelize the economy, with government-administered price codes and production controls to keep wages and prices up. The Schechter case that brought down the NRA showed the full absurdity of the NRA with its peculiar facts that produced open laughter in the Supreme Court during oral argument. To prevent wholesalers of chickens from having to discount smaller chickens, the NRA codes prohibited people from selecting which chickens they wanted to buy; instead, if you wanted 10 chickens, you had to take ten more or less randomly grouped chickens in a coop. This was known as “straight-killing.” The endless litany of micro managing style rediculous regulations coming down from an oversized federal government is not a new idea, and chicken regulations is an example of how silly notions of social justice really are.

Not to be outdone by FDR, Mr Obama takes yet another run-and-go at turning the USA into a liberal zombieland, with his version of the NRA, ObamaCare. We are not a socialist country and we certainly don't need to experiment with a political machine that has worked to perfection, repeatedly returning us back to the chosen constitutional path time after time, over the course of lo, these past 236 years.
Messages In This Thread
Obama: Both Arrogant and Ignorant - by Truth - 04-03-2012, 12:37 PM
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Obama: Both Arrogant and Ignorant - by Truth - 04-04-2012, 09:43 AM
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Obama: Both Arrogant and Ignorant - by Bob Seger - 04-05-2012, 10:59 PM
Obama: Both Arrogant and Ignorant - by Bob Seger - 04-05-2012, 11:14 PM
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Obama: Both Arrogant and Ignorant - by vector - 04-10-2012, 06:09 PM
Obama: Both Arrogant and Ignorant - by TheRealThing - 04-11-2012, 10:18 PM

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