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Ron Paul: No Federal Financial Aid for Tornado Victims
TheRealThing Wrote:This is exactly right and there is a reason why they feel this way. The liberal loathes everything about the right. Therefore they delight in tearing down the house (America the beautiful) that conservatives built. Just having the freedom to achieve the American Dream isn't good enough for the liberal, he believes free housing, free food, free medical care, free education, free cell phones, free from responsibility, are human rights. In the mind of the liberal no matter what need may arise, from disaster relief to subsidizing and nurturing the sexuallly depraved, from the cradle to the grave, the government's role is to fund it all. And, if the funds begin to run short all they have to do is raise taxes to meet the entitlement demand. Liberals think the constitution guarantees the 'life of Riley' to one and all, due to a misinterpretation of this; The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States;

Now, since the liberal loathes everything about the right the end always justifies the means with them. Lying to gain a political advantage means nothing to the liberal. The hatred the left has for the right is perfectly illustrated by a concept presented by John Milton in his epic poem "Paradise Lost". The lost Arch Angel Satan speaks, "Better to reign in hell than to serve in heaven". It's remarkable to me to watch the social currs argue against everything that makes sense. The residents of paradise pollute and destroy the alabaster temple for the thrill of vandalism. Like the book burners of Nuremberg, men's minds, once lit by knowledge and the light of freedom, now take a willing descent into darkness.

Hoot, you've hit on a simple but profoundly impactful truth. The reason the liberal is "salvating at the prospect of exercising their control" is because they want to defeat the conservative, not just out vote them, they want them destroyed as a party and following that they want to control them. I keep saying, this stuff isn't politics, rather the liberal uses politics to influence lawmakers and the courts to LEGISLATE THE CONSERVATIVE INTO SUBMISSION. The willing legions of college grads, freshly belched out of the liberal brain washing factories which, at one time were respectable centers of higher learning, like robots, go out to spred their liberal humanism. There comes a time or a point, when as a nation, we cross one too many lines and it then becomes impossible to return to 'normal'. I believe it's possible this has already happened for America. However, if it isn't too late anybody who has any love of country at all, better get to the polls this election cycle and elect a new president to the white house. One that will give us a chance to at least, partially redeem ourselves. Of the three viable republicans remaining, any would be capable of filling the bill.
The death of the conservative is a good thing. I hope how soon it happens. Yet, you all say you have the voting majority, how can we vote the conservative out of existence?
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Ron Paul: No Federal Financial Aid for Tornado Victims - by TheRealVille - 03-18-2012, 09:38 PM

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