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Ron Paul: No Federal Financial Aid for Tornado Victims
TidesHoss32 Wrote:I dont exactly know how to break this down into sentence form, so if it looks a little goofy, then I apologize in advance, but a few things on my mind;
Myself, and about 16 people in an organization that myself and another started have worked nonstop since these tornadoes happened, getting donations, supplies, forming a plan on where to take them too, etc..So I called a friend of mine, and we called a few others and put into action a plan. We have bought a total of 120 containers to put into the stores, gas stations, etc, we rounded up four pickup trucks, including my own, plus my Jeep, and after our trucks started getting filled up, I went into the Whitesburg U-Haul place and thankfully, they cut me some very nice discounts, and then we put a boot into our plan's ass and started loading them all down. With the exception of the Parkway Restaurant/Motel, and the Fleming Neon IGA, every store, gas station, Dollar Store, politician, church, motorcycle club, and generally any outlet donated us money, and let us put containers in their place of business. We have busted our asses and today we sent a filled 3/4 to the top U-Haul, and four filled trucks to Salyersville. The point of my story is simple. Our group worked very hard. Other groups have worked very hard. Everybody that has given and worked has worked hard. With the damage and horror I seen today, I cannot fathom the thought of not getting federal help. Only 50% of this country may pay taxes, but that tax money should go to something worth it, because it sure as hell wasnt before. I pay taxes as well, and if I have to pay a little more to help these people, then so be it.
Like you, I've been there everyday since it happened. You and I have been on the ground in these places and saw the devastation. It's easy for people that haven't been there, and aren't going, to sit and bitch about tax money helping these people. My brother in law lost every single thing he had from his house, except some furniture and some clothes. He had insurance, he will get it all back, and said he felt bad and thought he should give some of his clothes away. Some of those people have nothing, and will get nothing back, except what's given to them.
Messages In This Thread
Ron Paul: No Federal Financial Aid for Tornado Victims - by TheRealVille - 03-06-2012, 08:48 PM

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