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Pikeville 68 - East Ridge 59 (59th District Championship)
erhs2011 Wrote:Well, they way I look at it is. People are saying that Mullins let the crowd get to him? When they taunted him, almost every single time, he hustled and got points for East Ridge and laughed at them. He handled hisself like a WARRIOR should have, with some of the things they were mocking him about. And you say LeMaster had bad coaching skills? Pikevilles coach should have turned around to the student section and told them enough was enough. The things they were chanting was very rude, I would never let my child be apart of making fun of not only the school but an indivisual as they did with Mullins. I find it funny how the crowd can't yell to a reff by there actual name, but you are allowed to yell a players number and last name? Shouldn't be any different. I will say congrats to Pikevilles BASKETBALL players, that would be as far as I would go. I wouldn't say congrats the school, because they are obviously not teaching the right stadards. And using our Country as a taunt to Wolter and Kasongo shouldn't be allowed, from any school, but expecially from a school who has students who have foreign parents. Thats just sad. East Ridge had a good faught game. Miller was off on his shots. Wolter had good drives and Kasongo kept his temper but could have had the ball fed to him a lot more than he did. Thacker had many wonderful rebounds, and shots. They might not have got District, but I would love to see Pikeville and ER match up in Region and would love to see ER come away with that win. :dudecomeon:

I don't think anyone is saying Coach LeMaster is a bad coach...

All three fan bases have been taunting like that for years. The boundries are pretty well known, or was when I was in high school..

And what does their foreign parents have to do with anything? What were the chants that you found offensive?

I hate Pikeville's fan section as well, lol..and have since they pulled that horse crap a few years ago...but they are definitely effective.
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Pikeville 68 - East Ridge 59 (59th District Championship) - by vundy33 - 02-24-2012, 12:27 PM

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