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Top 5 Players in each District in the 14th
1.Camron Justice-can do it all,is a true JUMP shooter who elevates well on his jumper and finishes strong around the basket.Also draws alot of fouls and a 90+FT shooter.By the time he graduates he will be a household name across the state.
2-Logan Johnson-Best defender in the region,teams style of play holds him back offensively,tremendous talent who on any given night can put up 20+ and hold your best player to single digits.An amazing combination!
3-Zack Davis-If 100% best player in the region,at 75% still top 5. causes a lot of match-up problems for teams across the region.
4-Koree Stewart-an absolute animal! athletic,big,and agile=a talented player
5-Evan Hall-6'6 long and excellent shot blocker.Improving everyday offensively and by the time he is a senior he will be a top 25 player in Kentucky if he continues to work day in and day out.

1-Braxton Beverly-only an 8th greater but has the court knowledge of a seasoned veteran.Is the complete package as far as point guards go,dribble,pass,shoot excellent at all 3.
2-Jaysean Paige-Is living up to the hype! the only reason I put Beverly in front of him is beacuse of how important Beverly is to his team.Take Jaysean away PCC still probably wins the region,take Braxton away I don't think they have a chanceIMO.
3- Matt Day-Complete package-can shhot it, put it on the floor,or post.
4-Hobert Asher-haven't saw him play alot but what I have watched if he catches the ball clean on the block its 2 points.
5-Dalton Cornett-very underated in my opinion.Plays hard and makes few mistakes.Is a caoches nightmare to match up with in this region,not a guard not a post player,a tweener which is hard to match up with.

55/56: I have no clue haven't watched them enough to comment, to far from home. I do know that Denniston is a special talent who can put up some big numbers and Noble from Breathitt is very athletic.
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Top 5 Players in each District in the 14th - by thegr81 - 01-06-2012, 06:57 PM

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