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EKY--What Is the Opinion Of NKY . . . .
I'm happy anywhere I go. If one talked to me on the phone that might automatically assume I'm and uneducated hick because of my deep southern accent. But when reality I am very educated. I'm proud to be from Kentucky. Whether it be EKY, WKY or NKY. To me its just great to be from Kentucky. I'm not ashamed of who I am or where I come from. I make friends everywhere ago regardless of accent/location. I lived in Michigan awhile and made some good friends. Sure they loved to hear my accent and thought it was funny. At the same time I thought their accent was funny. For example. Here in EKY people call thier moms "mom" up in Michigan people called thier moms, "mim" But we all got along just fine.
Same thing in Lexington. They have more of the northern accent compared to Eky people. But to me that doesn't matter. I don't change or fake my voice for them or anyone. I wouldn't expect anyone to do the same for me. I respect people for who they are as a whole, not how they talk or dress.

Like BGG said, there is really no difference in people as whole . No matter where you go thier will be the good, the bad, and the ugly. Just the way life is.

People that think they are better than someone else based merely on location or how much they are worth are the ones with the problems.

I don't think I am better than anyone. We all were created by God and each of us are unique. Being unique is a good thing. This world would be a boring place if everyone went around talking and acting the same.

Stereotypes are just that, they are stereotypes. Alot people may assume EKY people are less educated, poorer or whatever. While some assume the NKY are stuck up. When in reality there are just as many people in EKY that are stuck and they are just as many non educated people and poor people in NKY as in EKY.
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