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Do any coaches want to do a top 10 ranking for the 15th this year?
DortonWildcat5 Wrote:I agree with most of what you've said (and I respect what Coach Howard and you are doing at Betsy Layne),but to say you beat us 2 games is not really accurate. You beat us 3, we beat you 2, and after we beat you at Dorton we put 15 minutes on the clock and played it straight with multiple subs on both sides who would not have played in a regular game. The game we beat you at Dorton was refereed by coaches by both sides. It definitely didn't have a real game atmosphere (you weren't there, but when it ended I asked my assistant coach if that felt anything like a real game because it sure didn't to me. Your players didn't even try to foul with some time left in the game down by 2.) The game you beat us at BL did have real referees and was played just like a real game. I would rank you higher but based only on that one game with referees (and regular rotations). Either way, I think there is very little difference between Betsy Layne, us, Johns Creek, Belfry, and Herald Whitaker. At this level you never know what team is going to show up each night.

First off, I'm sorry if I came off a little aggressive. If it sounded like I was attacking you're program at all, I'm truly sorry. I have great respect for what you guys do, especially considering Dorton is a pretty small school. But I only make my points because I think Betsy Layne, Dorton and John's Creek are all even teams. I think the only way you can rank them at this time is based on results. The games at Dorton, I admit I was totally not aware of other than the results. Do I think on any given night Betsy Layne, Dorton and John's Creek could beat each other, absolutely. As for Whitaker, losing the two players I think does hurt them quite a bit. Also, Belfry has played us all very tough but to my knowledge, have the beat Betsy Layne, Dorton or John's Creek? Have they played them tough, yeah but they have lost to teams I thought they should have beat as well. I think Johnson Central and Adams would be on the same level as Belfry and Whitaker since Central has beat both of them recently and only squeezed by Adams. I think the top three of the region are on a level of their own, with Betsy Layne, Dorton and Johns Creek just below them. I think at this moment, this can change with later games, Adams, Belfry, Johnson Central, Mullins, Virgie and Whitaker are pretty dead even but do not know of any of them beating BL, Dorton or John's Creek since pre-season tournaments or since players have left teams. If I have been wrongly informed about Whitaker losing two players, than I think not only do you add Whitaker to the list with BL, Dorton and JC but you have to add Johnson Central as well. Do I think any of the 6 listed above can beat BL, Dorton or Johns Creek... absolutely! I honestly try to do my rankings based on what have you done head to head against each other. So I mean no disrespect to anyone, just tired of our boys doing all they can on the floor to get respect and some people acting like they have done nothing at all.
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Do any coaches want to do a top 10 ranking for the 15th this year? - by bball_fan - 12-31-2011, 07:53 PM

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