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Republican Gingrich out of Virginia primary election
SKINNYPIG Wrote:For the past three years I have read almost every post made in Politics and Current Events. I don't "know" that you are an Obama "supporter" but I can certainly see you as a "defender".

In my opinion a healthy debate can only be healthy if point of views are not totally one sided. The main subject over the last three years has been Obama's way of governing, his policies and the 2012 election. I can find faults in every candidate in the race, I can certainly find faults in myself.

IMO our last two Presidents have been lacking at best. Bush expanded government (with homeland security) like a true liberal while halfheartedly protecting US citizens from the housing and market crashes that were looming. Obama has been terrible in his fight to revive the economy. In the 2008 campaign Obama campaigned as a uniter, a middle of the road centrist that would bring congress and the country together...He has consistently opposed any legislation to the right or center of his. He has passed the buck in the laps of republicans at every turn. He totally ignored and insulted the Tea Party Americans with legitimate concerns. And with that, we have a divided country like I cannot remember.

If the fact you do not have a post supporting Obama means you are not an Obama supporter, could the fact that you refuse to criticize him in a post means you are? After all, there is plenty to criticize, right? None of them are perfect. It's obvious in your posts that EVERY REPUBLICAN in the race is imperfect while almost never pointing out imperfections of Obama.

I'm sure Hoot or anybody else can find faults in EVERY candidate and policies from both side of the aisle. If you're not willing to do so, it makes it very hard to have a civil debate.

Hoot never hesitates to criticize Newt, Paul, Cain, Romney or Obama when he sees fit. It's easier for conservatives or those right of center to criticize Obama because he is ALWAYS way left of where we are. I bet with a little coaxing, Hoot might even be able to say something positive about Obama.

When I open up BGP I always look forward to reading your debates with Hoot and the rest. Sometimes I find them humorous and entertaining. Sometimes they are disappointing. I think they would be much better if you debated from both sides...It just makes a better, more respectable debate when both side are treated equally. You won't like this comparison, but I see you as Obama's Hannity. :yikes:
I don't see how you can see me as an Obama defender, just because of my lack of criticism. I don't see a need for me to criticize Obama, because everybody on here does that plenty. I post negative articles about some of the republicans running for office sometimes, just to even things out, because I know that no else one on here will.

With you and everybody else, except Hoot, I can have a good time talking. I can't deal with him, because when you don't agree with him, he starts what he always does, downgrading you, and doing his usual "smartass" stuff, like bringing up my lack of religion. Surely you can see, how he comes to every thread I post in, almost without fail, starting his BS.
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Republican Gingrich out of Virginia primary election - by TheRealVille - 12-30-2011, 12:29 PM

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