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Republican Gingrich out of Virginia primary election
TheRealVille Wrote:Can you tell me what the hell atheism(which I'm not) has to do with with thread? I've never claimed that I can't find faults with Obama. I just don't think I owe telling them to you, mainly because I don't like your smartass.

No, no, I didn't claim that. I said your type(far right wing conservatives) are a minority in this country. Most voters in this country are middle of the road moderates.
A plurality of voters are politically right of center. A small minority share your radical ideology, defend political thugs like James Hoffa, Jr., etc. My political views are far closer to center than your's are. You are not only an atheist, you are an atheist who has regularly ridiculed the religious beliefs of other BGR members. The majority of Americans still self-identify as Christians, so your atheist beliefs and intolerant views toward Christians place you far from the political center.

I honestly could not care less whether or not a person of your ilk likes me or not.
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Republican Gingrich out of Virginia primary election - by Hoot Gibson - 12-26-2011, 10:09 PM

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